Results for 'P. Marquez Vergara'

961 found
  1. Husserl and Sartre: from Phenomenology to Integral Humanism in Man's Self-Interpretation-in-Existence: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Life. Introducing the Spanish Perspective.P. Marquez Vergara - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 29:437-459.
  2. Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants.Arianna Dacanay, Giannah D. V. Gonzales, Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado, Nicolai Renz S. P. Guballa, Hanz S. Marquez, Hazel Anne M. Domingo, Kyle Gian S. Diaz, Denise Iresh S. Catolico, Edward Gabriel Gotis & Jhoselle tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):412-418.
    Job motivation remains an area of concern among researchers due to the rising issues of poor or lack of motivation among workers. This refers to one’s personal will or drives to perform a task at work. Meanwhile, job satisfaction refers to an employee’s sense of fulfillment with his or her work experience. Therefore, the current study utilized the descriptive- correlational research design to investigate the impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants. To gather essential data and achieve (...)
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  3. Introduction : introducing integrational linguistics.B. Makoni Sinfree, P. Verity Deryn & Anna Kaiper-Marquez - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Corrective Feedback, Basic Psychological Needs and Subjective Vitality: A Multilevel Approach.Argenis P. Vergara-Torres, José Tristán, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Alejandra González-Gallegos, Athanasios Pappous & Inés Tomás - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Black Mirror.David Kyle Johnson, Leander P. Marquez & Sergio Urueña - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson (eds.), Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 1–8.
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  6. Actividades del Comité Ejecutivo Servir es Nuestro Objetivo.C. P. C. Manuel C. Gutiérrez García, C. P. C. Óscar Márquez Cristerna, C. P. C. Luis R. Argüelles Rosenzweig, C. P. C. José Besil Bardawil, C. P. C. Leopoldo Escobar Latapí, C. P. C. Adolfo F. Alcocer Medinilla, C. P. C. Jorge Sánchez Hernández, C. P. C. Vícto Keller Kaplanska, C. P. C. Lucina Trejo Ceseña & C. P. C. Pedro Núñez Rodríguez - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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  7.  25
    Viviane Forrester, Una extraña dictadura, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Buenos Aires, 2000, 164 p.Jorge Vergara Estévez - 2003 - Polis 5.
    “Resistir significa en primer lugar rechazar. Hoy, la insurgencia consiste en ese rechazo que no tiene nada de negativo, que es un acto indispensable, vital “ V. F.Hace ya seis años, en 1997, dos importantes editoriales publicaron en Barcelona, México y Buenos Aires, una traducción al español de El horror económico, y tres años después apareció en nuestra lengua Una extraña dictadura, ambos de la destacada ensayista y novelista francesa Vivianne Forrester. Estas obras se convirtieron en éxit..
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  8.  18
    Franz Hinkelammert, El nihilismo al desnudo. Los tiempos de la globalización, Ed. Lom, Santiago, 2001, 297 p.Jorge Vergara Estévez - 2003 - Polis 4.
    Indudablemente, Franz Hinkelammert es uno de los investigadores sociales más importantes de América Latina. Esto se manifiesta no sólo en la difusión de su obra, la publicación de sus libros en Europa y en nuestro continente, sino también en el creciente reconocimiento de sus aportes por importantes investigadores, científicos sociales, teólogos críticos y filósofos latinoamericanos. Es así, por ejemplo, que Enrique Dussel, Leonardo Boeff, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Gustavo Gutierrez y otros des..
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  9.  29
    Marcos García de la Huerta, Pensar la política, Editorial Sudamericana, Santiago de Chile, 2003, 276 p.Jorge Vergara Estévez - 2004 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 9.
    Este libro es una singular combinación de amplitud de visiones, profundidad de análisis, precisión en los argumentos y sincronización con temas y problemas de la contingencia. El texto se desarrolla entre márgenes amplios, desde la crítica de ideas y el análisis filosófico a la comprensión de un fenómeno histórico y la lectura del presente. Consta de tres partes, precedidas de unas «consideraciones preliminares» y cerradas con un epílogo, y un apéndice sobre el “caso” Pinochet. El texto permi..
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    Yvette Conry, L’introduction du darwinisme en France au XIXe siècle. Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1974. 15,5 × 24, 480 p. [REVIEW]Bernard Marquez-Breton - 1977 - Revue de Synthèse 98 (85-86):154-156.
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    John P. McCormick, Reading Machiavelli: Scandalous Books, Suspect Engagements, and the Virtue of Populist Politics. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018)Gabriele Pedullà, Machiavelli in Tumult: The Discourses on Livy and the Origins of Political Conflictualism. [REVIEW]Camila Vergara - 2020 - Constellations 27 (2):316-320.
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    "Homenaje a Oswaldo Robles," ed. Alfonso Zahar Vergara[REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1965 - Modern Schoolman 42 (4):426-426.
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    Estela Fernández y Jorge Vergara Editores, Racionalidad, utopía y modernidad. El pensamiento crítico de Franz Hinkelammert. Homenaje en sus 75 años, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana con el auspicio de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Colección Pensamiento Social, Santiago de Chile, 2008, 453 p. [REVIEW]Gustavo David Silnik - 2008 - Polis 20.
    Enseñan los estudiosos del Talmud que los Profetas no profetizan en contra de algo que acontecerá de modo inexorable. Por el contrario lo hacen en contra de algo que sucederá si no somos capaces de rectificar el rumbo de nuestras vidas. Rectificar el rumbo mientras sea posible, recuperar la realidad, recuperar la vida de todos como condición indispensable de posibilidad y racionalidad de cualquier forma de existencia social, es el llamado secularmente profético que formula Franz Hinkelammert ..
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    David Landes, La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones, Ediciones B Argentina S.A., Javier Vergara Editor, Grupo Zeta, Buenos Aires, 1999, 815 p. [REVIEW]Leopoldo Montesino Jerez - 2001 - Polis 1.
    La historia económica es una materia muy amplia. En muchos países, momentos y lugares diferentes en el mundo de hoy suelen dictarse cursos muy diversos sobre determinados aspectos económicos de la historia. Los programas incorporan referencias sobre la evolución agrícola en tal o cual zona y período, el desarrollo industrial, la relación entre aspectos tecnológicos y sociales a través de la historia y en fin, distintas materias de interés que conforman este amplio campo al que nos referimos...
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  15. Truth, Love and Immortality, and Introduction to McTaggart's Philosophy.P. T. Geach - 1979 - Religious Studies 16 (3):362-364.
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  16. Apresentação: A comunicação internacional no contexto da globalização.Sonia Virginia Moreira - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (1):7-9.
    Os conceitos que tratam do processo de globalização, originários da economia a partir da década de 1980, se aplicam para a comparação e análise de alguns paradoxos ainda hoje presentes no campo da comunicação internacional. Assim como uma ‘nova ordem econômica’ versou sobre a mundialização dos negócios, na área da comunicação o desequilíbrio na circulação de informação entre países industrializados e em desenvolvimento deu origem a intensos debates internacionais que resultaram no documento oficial que tratava de uma ‘nova ordem da (...)
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  17. Elementary logic of science and mathematics.P. H. Nidditch - 1960 - Glencoe, Ill.,: Free Press.
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    Relation between oscillatory activity and long-range synchronization in cat visual cortex.P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1995 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 92:290-94.
  19. What is analytic feminism?P. Garavaso - 2018 - In Pieranna Garavaso (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Feminism. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 3–16.
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  20. Is there a place for euthanasia.P. Admiraal - 1991 - Bioethics News 10 (4):10-23.
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  21. Philosophical Subjects Essays Presented to P. F. Strawson /Edited by Zak van Straaten. --. --.Zak Van Straaten & P. F. Strawson - 1980 - Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1980.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume Vii: 1527-1528.P. S. Allen & H. M. Allen (eds.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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  23. Taking rights seriously.P. Barsa - 1996 - Filosoficky Casopis 44 (2):291-305.
  24. The emergence of self awareness as co-awareness in early child development.P. Rochat - 2004 - In Dan Zahavi, T. Grunbaum & Josef Parnas (eds.), The Structure and Development of Self-Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. John Benjamins.
  25. Emotions, Evaluation, and Ethics: The Role of Emotions in Formulating and Justifying Ethical Judgments.P. S. Greenspan - unknown
    The role of emotions in ethics is often taken by philosophers and others as antithetical to rationality. On the most basic level (in undergraduate philosophy exams and elsewhere), stating an opinion in the form "I feel that p" can be a way of sidestepping the demand for reasons. But emotions can sometimes also be seen as supplying reasons for moral judgment to the extent that they involve evaluations--and a way of communicating them across different moral perspectives.
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    The relevance of Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology to the.P. M. S. Hacker - unknown
    Th e con fusion a nd b arren ness o f psycho logy is no t to be e xplain ed b y calling it a “yo ung science”; its state is not comparable with that of physics, for instance, in its beginnings. (Rather with that of certain branches of mathematics. Set theory.) For in psychology there are experimental methods and conceptual confusion. (As in the oth er case, con cep tual co nfusion and m ethod s of pro of.) (...)
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    What do neural nets and quantum theory tell us about mind and reality?P. Werbos - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta (eds.), No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--63.
  28. Bin ich da wo ich denke? Descartes und Lacan in Religion et Raison: analyses philosophiques.P. Widmer - 1986 - Studia Philosophica 45:202-213.
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  29. Phillips, SH-Classical Indian Metaphysics.P. Williams - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:186-187.
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  30. Das Verhältnis von geistiger und körperlicher Arbeit zur schöpferischen Arbeit.P. Winter - 1962 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 10 (11):1446.
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    Modern/Postmodern: Society, Philosophy, Literature.P. V. Zima - 2010 - Continuum.
    Presents an original theoretical system to explain and contrast modernism and postmodernism.
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    Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Eleştirel Okuma Becerilerinin Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi.Pınar Özmutlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):1121-1121.
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    Reply to Lowe's Reply.P. T. Geach - 1982 - Analysis 42 (1):32 -.
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  34.  34
    Glass transition, thermal stability and glass-forming ability of Se90In10−xSbx chalcogenide glasses.P. K. Jain, Deepika & N. S. Saxena - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (7):641-650.
    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been employed to investigate the glass transition activation energy E g, thermal stability and glass-forming ability (GFA) of Se90In10− x Sb x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) chalcogenide glasses. DSC runs were performed at six different heating rates. Well-defined endothermic and exothermic peaks were obtained at glass transition and crystallization temperature. The dependence of glass transition temperature T g on heating rate (α), as well as composition of Sb, has been studied. From (...)
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  35. (1 other version)The J. S. Mill Bibliography: Recent Additions.P. J. Kelly - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (1):196.
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    J. R. Dinwiddy, Radicalism and Reform in Britain, 1780 to 1850, London, The Hambledon Press, 1992. pp. xxi + 452.P. J. Marshall - 1993 - Utilitas 5 (2):333.
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  37.  27
    The Nordic concept of 'faellesskab'.P. Riis - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (1):41-41.
    The complex of cultural, political and societal affiliations, both in a historic and a contemporary perspective, is expressed by a special term in the Nordic languages, 'faellesskab', often with the addition of 'folkelig', as 'folkeligt faellesskab', where 'folkelig' means of the people. No corresponding term exists in English. For medical ethics the concept 'faellesskab', or whatever wording is chosen to serve the semantics of this term, is vital. In research ethics and clinical decision-making complex ethical analyses and normative evaluations are (...)
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  38. Isaac Beeckman a-t-il démontré la loi des cordes vibrantes selon laquelle la fréquence est inversement proportionnelle à la longueur?P. Bailhache - 1992 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 45 (2-3):337-344.
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    Applied Philosophy.P. M. W. B., Brenda Almond & Donald Hill - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (173):584.
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  40. Ontological prerequisites of the marxist-leninist theory of values.P. Baran - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (3):352-363.
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  41. Subjective factor and social values.P. Baran - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (4):532-545.
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  42. Bergson et le Vedânta.P. S. Basu - 1930 - Montpellier,: Librairie nouvelle.
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  43. Rituals in the Martial arts.P. Baudry - 1992 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 92:143-161.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, H. Rikhof, Olav Boelens, H. Rikhot, Ton Meijers, H. J. Adriaanse, Desiree Berendsen, Walter Van Herck, Arie L. Molendijk & Peter-Ben Smit - 2003 - Bijdragen 64 (4):464-478.
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    The reliability of text-editions in Ben sira 41, 14–16.P. Beentjes - 1988 - Bijdragen 49 (2):188-194.
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  46. Wrr.P. Berger & T. Luckmann - 1984 - In Richard A. Hutch & Peter G. Fenner (eds.), Under the shade of a coolibah tree: Australian studies in consciousness. Lanham: University Press of America. pp. 326.
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  47. Reinhard Muskens, Meaning and Partiality.P. Blackburn - 1997 - Journal of Logic Language and Information 6:353-355.
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  48. Clearings in the words+ Memories of Christian Metz at the Greimas seminars in 1960s.P. Bouissac - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (1-2):49-50.
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    ‘God … or a Bad, or Mad, Man’: C.S. Lewis's Argument for Christ - A Systematic Theological, Historical and Philosophical Analysis ofAut Deus Aut Malus Homo.P. H. Brazier - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (1):1-30.
    The proposition that Jesus was ‘Bad, Mad or God’ is central to C.S. Lewis's popular apologetics. It is fêted by American Evangelicals, cautiously endorsed by Roman Catholics and Protestants, but often scorned by philosophers of religion. Most, mistakenly, regard Lewis's trilemma as unique. This paper examines the roots of this proposition in a two thousand year old theological and philosophical tradition (that is, aut Deus aut malus homo), grounded in the Johannine trilemma (‘unbalanced liar’, or ‘demonically possessed’, or ‘the God (...)
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  50. The role of attention in the detection of luminance changes: Endogenous versus exogenous cuing.P. T. Brawn & R. J. Snowden - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--3.
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